Fluff and stuff

cotton candy garland

In the land of sweet treats, cotton candy takes the cake. Here’s a calorie-free recipe on how to make a miniature cotton candy garland 🙂



What you’ll need: Cotton wool squares, toothpicks, eye shadow or make-up blush, craft glue, darning needle and twine.


1. Layer two pieces of cotton wool on top of one another.


2. Roll up the pieces and apply a strip of craft glue at one end to secure the shape.


3. Make small tears on the outer layer of the wool to fluff it up.


4. Add colour to the wool by brushing on some make-up blush.


5. Apply glue onto the tip of a toothpick. Push one-third of it through the centre of the wool. Repeat the entire process to make more “cotton candies”.


6. With a darning needle and twine, thread the cotton candies into a garland. Use masking tape to hang the garland up on a wall, or tie the twine ends onto a pair of stable posts.

* Published in the Craftypedia column in Star2 (thestar.com.my) on August 14, 2013.

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